The Church

The Church


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Few bands enter their fifth decade of making music with all the fierce creative energy of their early years. Few bands are like The Church. Their body of work stretches back in a continuous line to classic early albums 'Of Skins and Heart' and 'The Blurred Crusade', which revealed a distinctive soundscape of sharp pop hooks and towering guitars complementing Kilbey's lyrics and vocal tones. The more intricate arrangements of 'Heyday' gave way to the wide-open atmosphere of 'Starfish' the 1988 album which broke into the mainstream and gave them the international hit 'Under the Milky Way'. The hit single has been regarded as one of the most influential and recognisable Australian rock anthems of all time. Starfish also gave us 'Reptile', a song that never seems to date, and is a live favourite around the world.
